IEP’s & 504s

20 Classroom Accommodations That Target Common ADHD Challenges

The best IEP is the one with accommodations designed for your child’s very specific symptoms. Here are some of our favorite solutions for addressing common ADHD challenges at school.

By Bob Seay

Students with ADHD often benefit from special ADHD accommodations established by teachers and parents who spend thoughtful time pinpointing problematic ADHD symptoms, and then devising classroom accommodations that help solve those problems.

Everything You Need to Know About Creating an IEP or 504 Plan

Your child’s IEP or 504 plan maps out her path to the education she deserves. Use these expert tips so you’ll be prepared to navigate the process and create ADHD accommodations that work.

By Eileen Bailey

What is the format of the IEP or 504 meeting? I would like to know what to expect.

After a child is found eligible for special education and related services, a meeting must be held within 30 days to develop the IEP. An IEP or a Section 504 meeting can be intimidating. It can run as long as three hours. Each school district handles things differently, but usually teachers, principal, school psychologist, guidance counselors, special education teachers, school nurse, and others directly affected by the IEP or Section 504 will attend.